Ghee Happy
Annie Award Winner for Best Animated Preschool Production 2023
Creator: Sanjay Patel Art Direction: Joey Chou
Responsibilities: Designed and painted several recurring locations during the pre-production stage, contributing to the final style of the show.
Branched out from working only on backgrounds, to also designing and painting an array of props and FX during production. Modified our main sets to fit the story needs for every episode. Created vector graphics with keyframe poses for Flash animations.
Full time 2020-2021 and Freelance 2021-2022

Responsible for Design, Layout and Color

Responsible for Final Design and Color - Based on preliminary design by Jesse Tise. Color Design of Krishna's Corner by Jonathan Chen

Responsible for Predesign, Design and Color

Responsible for simplification and Interior Design. Original Exterior Design by Joey Chou and Derek Ortega

Responsible for Final Layout. Design of modular buildings and vegetation. Preliminary layout by Cameron Scott. Other designs by Jesse Tise and Derek Ortega

Responsible for Final Layout. Design and Color of modular buildings and vegetation. Preliminary layout by Cameron Scott.

Responsible for Design, Layout Example and Color

Responsible for School Final Design, Mural Design and Final Color. School Design based on Predesign by Jesse Tise

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design, Layout and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design, Layout and Local Colors

Responsible for Predesign, Design and Color

Responsible for layout of Diwali decorations

Responsible for layout of Diwali decorations

Responsible for Concept, Design and Color.

Responsible for Concept, Design and Color.

Responsible for Concept, Design and Color.

Responsible for Concept, Design and Color.

Responsible for Concept, Design and Color.

Responsible for Design and Color

Responsible for Design, Poses and Color

Responsible for Design, Poses and Color

Responsible for FX Design and Color. Surya Design by Chris O'Hara
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